Monday, January 11, 2010

Crazy...I just might be...

So, I'm sitting here and chatting with my sister about weight loss and exercise and all that DREADED stuff...and it hits me, it's time! It's time I stop whining about how overweight I am and just do something about it. And it's REALLY about time to stop saying I'll do something and actually do it. So, I'm going to start with laying off the sweet tea and sodas again and drink water, water and more water (with a little crystal light thrown in). And eat healthier...honey, I haven't talked to you about this yet, but that means no more eating out...we might need to make a trip to the grocery store tonight but please set the DVR to record The Biggest Loser before that =) Thanks!

So, ok, walking. My sister laughed out loud when I told her I hoped to not break my legs or give myself a black eye while walking/jogging around my neighborhood. But I'm serious! I'm so out of shape and am going to be the biggest wimp in the world when it comes to this. There is going to be a lot of screaming and crying and pain. For me, not for anyone else. I'm going to be yelling at myself a lot and telling my fat butt to just cooperate because it will all make it better in the end. I just have to believe that, no matter if I'm throwing up everything I have eaten all day. I must do it. And I will. It's time for me to. So that Chick-Fil-A I ate for lunch and that yummy sweet tea I devoured, that's it. I'm done. And I'm pumped! And honestly, I could make myself sick thinking of all the grease in fast food but I'm not going to think too hard because I will be running to the bathroom here at work and make a fool of myself!

So, I'm going to start walking/exercising since it has warmed up to the 40's this week. Even if it's doing a exercise DVD inside, I'm going to do it. My sister wants me to do a half marathon with her on April 24th...of course me being absolutely clueless to the world of marathons asked "exactly how many miles is a half marathon?" And she responds "13.1". Um ok, 13 used to be my lucky and happy number but 13 miles?!?!? Yes, I can do that. It's a little over 3 months away. And it's in Nashville!! Bands will be playing and motivating me. It might take me the better part of a day to finish but you know what. I can do it. I know I can. And that's not saying that I'm going to go register myself right now, I have to make sure I can do this. Have to get in the right mindset. But sounds like a good goal for myself! Right?? Yeah, I think so too.