Monday, August 31, 2009

A sad, but wonderful day...

So today is Ethan's first day of dayschool at the church. He's been extremely excited about it for weeks now so that's kept my spirits up but now that the day is actually here, this mom is having a hard time. What's even harder...I didn't even get to take him. I couldn't really. We normally have Monday morning meetings that was prohibiting me from going but when I got to work and received the email that our boss is out of town so we wouldn't be meeting, well the tears started falling. I could have come in late and taken my sweet boy to his first day of school. Oh well, trying not to dwell on it. I know he's going to have a fantastic time and I can't wait to get him after work today so I can hear all about it!! I know he's going to have a million and one things to talk to me about. His daddy is keeping me updated so well though. I'm glad. According to him, Ethan basically jumped out of the car to Ms. Laurie and she remembered his name so it made it a lot easier I'm sure. So off he went without a goodbye or kisses for his daddy. That means he is SO excited. I'm happy for him, he needs other children to play with.

Tomorrow we go to his soccer meeting and next Tuesday night, we start the Start Smart Program for him. I'm excited about that because I know he LOVES kicking the soccer ball around. I'll let you all know how that goes!

This weekend was incredible. I love having my parents in town and having our children and just being a family. Saturday morning we got up early and went over to Portrait Innovations to have pictures taken. They turned out amazing and both kids were just so cute and did perfectly. We got some wonderful ones of them and I'm so thankful for my family. Our kids really are just too cute. So I hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well...mine was spectacular and filled with lots of the people that mean the world to me.

Friday, August 28, 2009

One of THOSE moms...

So, today was Ethan's "meet the teacher" at his dayschool. I was so excited and Ethan has been asking to go to school for days now and REALLY wanted to go this morning. So needless to say, there has been lots of excitement about this whole school thing this week. So today at 11:30, we met Ms. Beverly, Ethan's teacher. Sweet, sweet lady. I told my ex-husband before we even got in there that I was not going to be one of those moms that made her child take a picture with his/her teacher. Sure, why would I?!? So we got in there, got all of our materials and signed up for a few parties and things like that and we were about to leave and the iPhone had to come out. Yep, "Do you mind if I get Ethan's picture with you please?" I was totally one of THOSE moms today...and I really have no shame. It's such an exciting time!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ethan's Growing Up!

So tonight Justin and I, along with Ethan's daddy, are meeting at the church for a parent meeting for the dayschool program he is going to start going to. I know I'm super excited about it! And I really think Ethan is going to love it. He is always wanting to play with other kids. So I think this is going to be great for him. And then next Tuesday night, we have an initial meeting for his soccer for this fall. We registered him for a Start Smart program for this first year which will be great for him. Basically, we (the parents) play along the side of him to get the fundamentals down. It's a 6-week program for them to learn and then they have a little award ceremony after its all over. Perfect for my sweet bug this first year of soccer. He even gets his very own soccer ball for it! And shin guards! :) I can't wait to see him in his little t-shirt and shin guards kicking his ball around. Lots of pictures to come for sure! I know this post is all about Ethan, but well, all of his stuff starts this week and next week. Busy, busy time...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A little bit of fun...

It's been a great weekend. Justin and I have spent a lot of time just being with each other and relaxing and enjoying married life while the kids were away. Still loving the new house and promise to get photos up just as soon as everything is put together!

Our newest addition is the swingset in the backyard. My sister claims it is too large to be a swingset and that it is a playground all in might be =) But the kids are going to love it!! Our nephew Cayden and my sister and brother-in-law were the first to enjoy it this afternoon. Here are some photos from their time here and also Sully enjoying running around with Uncle Jeremy.

Until next time...take care.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cozy Living

So we are moved into our house. Well, by moved in I mean we are living there and all of our stuff is there. We just aren't unpacked! I feel like I need about a week of just unpacking without any distractions. Unfortunately for us, we have work and two kids on top of it! Not that having kids is unfortunate because really, they truly are great. It's just that Ethan wants to "help" with everything and his idea of helping is asking a million questions about everything and keeping me distracted to the point of wanting to pull my hair out. Although when he is pee peeing on the potty and says "momma, I love you forever", it really makes up for all of that. Sweet, I know. So we are not unpacked. I have a feeling that this weekend is going to be spent unpacking. It's our kid free weekend (they are with the other sides) and as much as Justin and I want to just enjoy the new house and relax, I don't think it will happen. I mean, I know I will feel so much better once everything is unpacked and it's all settled where it needs to go, and I'm sure my toe nails and finger nails will appreciate me finding the nail clippers. I will get pictures soon, I promise. We have internet sort of...we are just waiting for our modem to arrive so the dsl actually works. All in time...

I forgot to mention my new job. I'm no longer sitting at the front desk of Hoffman Media as the receptionist. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world. Hoffman has been great to me and I love working here, but being able to get up and go to a meeting without having to find someone to cover my desk, it's like a dream come true! So I am now sitting back in the production department with the wonderful art girls and doing my Advertising Production Rep job full time. I was working just solely on Southern Lady magazine but I have added Cooking with Paula Deen, Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade, Victoria and Celebrate to that list now. I LOVE it! It's nice to have my own space at work finally although you would think I'm a single girl who has no family at all because my little pod is so bare. I keep telling myself every day that I must bring some pictures, and eventually I will get around to it I suppose.

I'm trying to think of what other things are going on. Oh, my parents are trying to sell their house in TN so they can move back down to Alabama and be with their daughters and grandbabies. Well and their son-in-laws too, I suppose :) With Ethan getting close to turning 4 every day and then Lexie being in the family now too, it was hard for them to stay away. But now with baby Cayden on top of it, well, I'm just praying that their house sells fast up there. We want and need them back down here. It's just not the same without them here. I miss them more than I normally let on. Justin knows how much I miss them though...has even told my dad that they need to hurry and move back down. I'm wondering if I will ever grow out of being a "child" that needs her parents close by? If I don't, I think I'm okay with that. I just love them is all and I don't think that is a bad thing at all. Ethan keeps asking if Pop is coming back to see him soon, it makes me laugh but then makes me sad. He must have really bonded with Pop this past weekend, just not sure when it happened between all the whining that Ethan did. He sure loves his Nana and Pop though.

Well I think that is all for now. I promise pictures soon once I can find my card reader for the camera and actually take some photos of the house and new van and all sorts of things. They are coming soon so I will be continued.

Until next time, take care...