Friday, August 28, 2009

One of THOSE moms...

So, today was Ethan's "meet the teacher" at his dayschool. I was so excited and Ethan has been asking to go to school for days now and REALLY wanted to go this morning. So needless to say, there has been lots of excitement about this whole school thing this week. So today at 11:30, we met Ms. Beverly, Ethan's teacher. Sweet, sweet lady. I told my ex-husband before we even got in there that I was not going to be one of those moms that made her child take a picture with his/her teacher. Sure, why would I?!? So we got in there, got all of our materials and signed up for a few parties and things like that and we were about to leave and the iPhone had to come out. Yep, "Do you mind if I get Ethan's picture with you please?" I was totally one of THOSE moms today...and I really have no shame. It's such an exciting time!!

1 comment:

  1. Aidan starts preschool in a couple more weeks, and I'm pretty sure I'll be one of "those moms" too. No worries. :)
