Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Believing myself, in my family, in my friends but most importantly, believing in God.  That's what I'm concentrating on a lot lately.  There have been lots of ups and downs in the Collins household the past few weeks.  But I'm not going to get into those because you know what?  Things are going to be fine, things will always be fine.  I have an amazing husband, two of the most wonderful children ever, the most loving family and friends/coworkers.  I honestly have an awesome support system.  Now to the heart of the matter for today...

As many of you that read this blog know, Justin and I have been trying for a baby for over a year now.  A lot of the things I don't share with everyone because there is some stuff that is left private between me and my family.  But March, I went and had LOTS of blood taken to run numerous tests on me.  Results?  Hypothyroid.  Um, what?  But, I'm now very educated on this "disease" and am taking medication for it.  I was told to come back in 3-4 months to get them checked again as well as they wanted to do an A1C glucose test on me because my glucose levels were really high.  I NEVER called back to get that A1C done because honestly, I was terrified. 

After a lot of heartache with a semi-blowout with my sister and mom, I realized I really needed to get my butt back to the doctor and get this show on the road.  And so this morning I went and had my thyroid levels checked as well as the A1C test.  They told me to expect a phone call within the week.  So 3 hours later while I'm sitting at work and saw my doctor's number blink on my cell, I was a little nervous. 

But guess what?  My thyroid levels that are being a pain in the ass about me getting pregnant?  NORMAL!  Those levels are now normal per my doctor.  YAY!  The medicine is working.  I was quite excited about that.  Then she announced the "but" news...they want me to attend a pre-diabetes class on Tuesday.  What?  But I took a deep breath and didn't even cry when I was talking to my husband about it.  It's just PRE-diabetes and they are going to teach me what to do to make it all better.  That's what they are there for.  So I'm actually pretty excited about it.  I know it sounds weird to say that but it's closure in a way...knowing exactly what is wrong and knowing there is a way to fix this.  And not only that...I'm going to lose all this weight I've gained and look amazing! =)  That makes me happy all the way to the center of my soul. 

So today I'm just asking for prayers from you all...or just a "thinking of you" thought.  They help more than some people realize. 

And mom and Becca...I know you wanted an updated blog post so here is the beginning of me TRYING to update this thing more regularly.  Also, I love you both so are two of my best friends.