Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Edward vs. Jacob

Ok, I know if you are a Twilight fan, you hear this often...Edward vs. Jacob. This week, the second movie in the Twilight Saga is debuting. And all this week and this past weekend, I have felt 13 years old again. I can not wait to see this movie. I know a lot of my friends can't stand it and are just ready for it to be out and over but I can't think of anything more exciting than the fact that on Sunday night, at 8:00, I will be sitting in a seat watching it! And although this is probably my least favorite book in the series, I'm pumped about seeing the movie. I'm ready to see more of Jacob and I think that's the only way I was able to talk my husband into seeing it with me at the theater. I assured him this one isn't all about "twinkle fairy" (his words for Edward) but has more action in it and will be more entertaining for him. The wolves look incredible. Funny thing, Justin asked me if the wolves HAVE to run around without shirts on all the time, I told him they rip their clothes when they transform but in all actuality, they look good with no shirts on! Sorry honey. =) But seriously, I'm so excited! My sister is going to see it tonight, can I tell you how JEALOUS I am?!?! I told her not to say anything to me about it until after I see it on Sunday night. You ask why I'm having to wait until Sunday night?? Well, tonight is dog training, tomorrow night will be busy doing laundry and packing and then Friday, we are all loading up to go to Tennessee for Thanksgiving with my parents. So we won't be home until later Sunday so I'm buying tickets Friday before I leave town for a Sunday night show. And I don't even care that I will be out after 10 on a work night...I'm going to eat popcorn, drool just a little bit over Edward and Jacob and enjoy the movie with my husband. And yes people, he knows I will be drooling a bit...who won't be??

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