Wednesday, March 3, 2010

just waiting...

Oh how I love the game of "waiting". Well, not really. I could honestly do without. But here I sit and wait.

I was told today at the doctor when I went in for blood work that I was definitely NOT pregnant. Wow, just make that hole in my heart a little bit bigger for me. But I knew I was going to hear it, I just wasn't really prepared for it. So I guess I get the prescription filled so that my evil monthly friend will start. At least then the baby-making process can resume again, this time with very carefully charted temps and everything in between. I know, takes the fun out of it...but we WILL make it fun. Not a job. Right, honey?

They took 5 vials of blood from me this morning. I had no idea they were taking so much. Before they started I asked the lab nurse if they would be taking just one vial of blood and she looked at me like I had told a very funny joke. I definitely didn't think it was funny. But she just shook her head at me and sort of sighed, probably thinking "great, I have one of THOSE patients this morning". And yes, she did have one of THOSE patients. I do not do well with blood, of any sorts. I've just now become immune to them pricking my finger, that alone used to make me turn green in the face! But being anemic and knowing it's an inevitable part of going to the doctor, I don't turn as green any more when they do that part. But taking blood, that's another story. I told her I was going to need to lay down and she told me I would be fine. Excuse me? What? So, me being me, trusted her and sat there and closed my eyes and thought about all the things in this world that make me happy. And then it was over. I guess I have that many things that make me happy but it took my mind completely off of what she was doing. She helped a lot by asking me silly questions all throughout and when she was done and the little hole was covered with a band-aid, I finally looked over. And almost fell out of my chair. I only saw 4 vials but seeing that, knowing it was mine, almost did me in. So I asked her if she took 4 and her sweet voice said "oh no sweetie, we took 5. Your doctor is very thorough and ordered quite a few tests to be run on you". Oh joy! So yeah, I did fine while it was happening and then not so fine after I saw blood. She was very nice and let me sit there for a bit and talk to her about things she could have cared less about. Just so she knew I kept breathing and didn't pass out. She gets the nice award today.

My left arm seriously feels weird now though. Probably because I'm the biggest WUSS when it comes to things like this. Oh well, that part is over. Now I just wait for a phone call saying something is wrong or wait for no phone call to come at all so I know I'm okay...regardless, I wait. And wait.

On another note, I don't mean to bitch (well yes I do) but when you have a doctor appointment, don't bring a whole group of people with you. I mean, I understand if you are pregnant and you want your husband or someone else in his place there with you. But if your husband is there and also your mother and also your mother-in-law AND your other kids, just LEAVE THE KIDS AT HOME WITH THE GRANDPARENTS! I don't get it, I couldn't find a place to sit because of all the people. Ok...bitching session over for now. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, the last paragraph is funny. I went to all my preggo appointments by myself, unless there was an ultrasound happening. I mean, come on. You get weighed, you pee in a cup, you talk to the doctor for a few minutes. I don't understand why anyone else needs to be there?

    And good luck with the baby-making. There's so much they can do to help you. It'll happen when it's supposed to happen...and usually when you least expect it. :)
